Saturday, February 12, 2011

On CHEPOR and JJ with the 2Gs

Assalamualaikum and a very good day to all,

Yes, I know it s being a WHILE I haven't updated anything in my blog. It is not that I AM LAZY, but I don't have the time. I've tried to steal the time, here and there. But I guess, I am not good with STEALING. Hahaha...

It was end of the first week after the semester break and ALHAMDULILLAH, all of my students are there PHYSICALLY (but MENTALLY and SPIRITUALLY I am NOT that SURE). Haha.. It is good to see that all of you are there in the classroom. :D (Entah - entah, it is because of the ATTENDANCE kan? Hahaha.. Just kidding)

Ok, moving on. As for this entry, it is not about lesson that I've conducted but it is more on what I did with my 2G students during THAIPUSAM. I know it is already late for me to express my thank you for the invitation, but IT IS BETTER LATE THAN NEVER RITE?. What happened was, the 2G students invited me to join them for a picnic somewhere in CHEPOR. I was hesitate at the first place, but HANIF and AZNIL were begging me and I told myself why not. Finally, I realize that I have to be RESPONSIBLE if anything happened (Since I AM THE LECTURER).

SCARED but at the same time I DID'NT WANT to let them DOWN. Therefore, I went there quite late and THANKS to NUREEN, HANIF and ATUL for FETCHING me in front of that school (Lupa nama sekolah)

To my surprised, when I was there, the rest of the students were busy BBQing + swimming + gossiping with each other. I wasn't expect there will be prawn and I can't wait to taste it. But, to be HONEST, you guys put TOO MUCH KUNYIT and all I can taste was KUNYIT. I am SORRY, I have to BE HONEST. :D.

Some of the 2Gs that were there during the picnic. Look at Aimi.

Not only that, I was being bullied by AHMAD + AZNIL. SOOOO E**L. You know what Ahmad + Aznil, I will deduct marks for what had you guys done to me. Hahahaha (EVIL LAUGH). Eh, I am actually SERIOUS with it. After we were done with swimming, we 're heading to Nureen's place to change. THANKS TO NUREEN AND HER FAMILY for the warm welcome. At least I have a place to change and pray.

Ahmad + Aznil THE BULLIER. Notice that how bad they bullied me. Meanwhile Shafiq was only looking.

Then,we were heading to JJ for karaokeing. However, IT IS WEEKEND, what do you expect. It was full and like it or not, I have to join them for BOWLING. The intention was to have fun and at the same time, I was trying my BEST to BEAT AZNIL + AMIR during the game (Saja nak AZNIL kalah in front of his GIRLFRIEND). Hahaha....AZNIL, don't hate me for it. Finally, I managed to beat them and that is not important actually. The most important thing is that I HAD A GREAT TIME. (HOPEFULLY you guys as well)

Ehem, I was sitting next to Lutfi. Hahaha

I hope it is not to late for me to express my THANK YOU to all of you for inviting me and for giving me the such EXPERIENCED with all of you. InsyAllah, I will remember it sampai I have 5 children. THANKS for THE CROWD + FOOD + GAME + MOMENTS. Terima kasih daun keladi, ada hari jemput lagi. :D

The girls. Thanks guys, I had a great time

Some of the boys. Thanks for making me laugh

Aznil and his other half. Hahaha... Malu - malu kucing

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Now Open To Public

Assalamualaikum and good day adik-adik (Hahaha...),

This entry won't take long, I just want to let everyone knows that now you are welcome to leave your comments or feedbacks or dissatisfaction as I've already change the setting. Feel free to do so and I'll see you when I see you. Eh, not to forget to Zuhairi from 2D and all, HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR and HAVE A NICE HOLIDAY with your LOVE ONES. :D

P/S: Idham and Izzat from 2D, I've fulfilled your wish. :D

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Messages in a Bowl (No longer A Message in a Bottle)

Assalamualaikum and a very good day to all the readers,

Is this consider as MESSAGE in a bottle? Hahaha

First thing first, I would like to begin my entry with a very warm smile.. ;D..Taadaa (Just pretend that it is the real warm smile from me ok?)

As for this week, it was extremely another good week for me and hopefully for my students as well. :D.. As for this week, I refused to have my lesson in the classroom. Therefore, I took my 2F students to the LALA LAND (the students claimed that LALA LAND is the coolest place to hang out in UiTM Perak so far) and also I am conducting my lesson behind the new OM building for my 2G students (Salute to Hanif, Bboy, Shafiq, Shukery, Amir as well as Aznil for lying down on the floor while writing your messages)

The idea was actually to ask my students to bring an empty bottle together with them. However, I couldn't find a huge pale or basin. I could only afford to bring a fish bowl and I HAVE TO PRETEND that the tiny winny bowl is an OCEAN...Hahaha... But, the most important thing is that, the lesson can still be conducted as planned. :D

I made them sat in a group and each group must choose 1 STATE (I provided them with Atlas) and each group members must choose 1 ISLAND from the state that they have chosen and memorized it.

Then I asked them to imagine that they are stranded on the particular island that they have chosen and the have to write a message and put in inside a bottle (In my case, I used plastic 'ORANG KUAT' and students have to put their message inside the fish bowl). The so called OCEAN.. Hehehe.. As for the 2F class, I am sorry ARIF since your paper is wet. I guess you have to stay on that ISLAND for the rest of your life. Hahahaha (Evil laugh)...

I am impress with the students' creativity to fold their paper and with various shapes. It is good to see a rabbit floating on the water, hearts, ships and not to forget frog. Hehehe.. You guys are CREATIVE PEOPLE.

Let's pretend that the 2G students found the messages

Later that day, I asked my students from 2G to replay the messages (As if they found the message). At that particular time I started to hear my 2G students, laughing and also busy asking me whether the messages are from male or female students. Well students, male or female, if you want, just write your NUMBER (make use of the oppurtunity that you get). Hahaha..

I just can't wait to see my students' reaction when they get back their messages and I do hope that this writing activity will encourage them to write creatively. Apart from that, it was actually a lesson on how to write a body paragraph with main idea and supporting details.

Lastly, to Hanif from 2F class, I would appreciate if you can give me the photos that you had taken during our class last Wednesday so that I can upload it in my blog. Hehehe... And also for me to keep them as remembrance. Till here, and let's just pray that the upcoming weeks, we are healthy and able to be part of the activities that I will be conducting. DO TAKE CARE and be good.

Sunday, January 16, 2011


Assalamualaikum and good day to all (Hehe, no more Salam 1 Malaysia),

I was having extremely GOOD TIME with my lessons last week. I was doing SPEAKING (with 2G class) as well as WRITING (with the classes that I am sharing with other senior lecturers). In this entry, I would like to suggest other teachers and lecturers (who happened to read my blog lah kan) to conduct this activity at least once. Trust me, it is worth providing the students mahjong papers and markers.. Hehe...

It is a simple writing activity actually and all you need to have is that MAJHONG papers + markers (more than one because students will do this activity in group) + speakers (the most important teaching aids) + Ipod (you can also use radio and etc.)

I don't know why, but the first two paragraphs of this entry are SOOO serious. Hahaha.. Ok, moving on.. Hehe... I was having problems during the instructions session because basically STUDENTS LOVE to talk (especially when you ask them to get in groups). PREDICTABLE!!!! Then I asked them to come out with one topic and write it on the mahjong paper (like I always said: TOP, MIDDLE of the mahjong paper). I give them the freedom to choose the topic EXCEPT for POLITICS, RELIGIONS and other sensitive issues.

To my surprised (Cewah!!!), my students come out with topics such as HOW TO LOOK STUPID IN CLASS, Z.O.M.G, DEODORANTku(they actually spell it DEODORENT), FASHA SANDHA IN BALI and other crazy topics (trust me, they are crazy). Once the music starts, one person in every groups will write the sentence and once I stopped the music, they should pass the mahjong paper to the next group so that the other group will continue the sentence. After few minutes, I heard laughing and I know that their paragraphs are NO LONGER MAKE SENSE.

It was good to see them laugh, thinking of what to write, teamwork as well as cheating (They stopped writing while the music is still on). But most important thing is that, I am satisfied that I let them expressed their thought freely about the topic. Ofcourse, by the end of the lesson, when they were presenting, the paragraph was totally out of topic. They can't even decide on the main idea as well as supporting details. Hehehe...

The best part of the lesson was that, I am able to see my students from 2D to WALK ON A RUNAWAY (I am impress that some of my male students can actually walk like a female models)..The girls from 2D can actually sing and they have hidden talent that I manage to discover. Haha.. In fact, my students from 2A, the male students can actually do 'JOGET'. Hahaha... They are very sporting and I hope that I can make BEL 260 is a memorable subject to them. InsyAllah

I am looking forward to teach my students and also to learn new things from them as well. Before I go, I am sorry if some of the students do not like my style and I hope that I can improve from time to time. Till here, take care and have a nice day

Saturday, January 15, 2011

To Become A Better Blogger (HOPEFULLY)

Assalamualaikum and Salam 1Malaysia (I just can't BELIEVE that I am actually use 'Salam 1Malaysia'),


Trying my best to sound serious which I don't think it will last long.. Hahaha... See!!!. I would like to APOLOGIZE to my students from UiTM Penang because I am NOT a GOOD BLOGGER to you guys last semester. I am trying but it is actually more to I am NOT that GOOD with blog. However, one of my new year's resolution is to BECOME A GOOD BLOGGER after this. (Not only for my students from UiTM Penang, but also my students from UiTM Perak).

For my students from UiTM Penang who happened to read this entry, hope that you guys are having a blast and good time with your BEL 260 lecturers and to be HONEST, I DO MISS YOU GUYS SOOOOOO MUCH. InsyAllah, one of the weekends, I will go to Penang and meet you guys. :'(

As for my students from UiTM Perak, I am hoping that you guys will give me FULL SUPPORT and 150% (The amount that I normally used) COOPERATION during BEL's class. InsyAllah, I'll try my best to give the best ever lessons and also something that you guys will REMEMBER for the rest of your life (Wahh!!!! Semangat) Hahaha...

InsyAllah, for my next entry, I'll post the activities that you guys had done with me and please pray that I'll REMEMBER NAMES as fast as I can.. Hahaha... Students from UiTM Penang, for your information, for this semester, I have nearly 170 STUDENTS for me to remember their NAMES. (And I am can't remember any, EXCEPT for CLASS REPS from each classes). Students from UiTM Perak, do FORGIVE me if I can't remember your names as well as your faces.

Till here, do take care students and PLEASE REMEMBER ONE THING:- ENGLISH IS IMPORTANT!.
Have fun with this semester and do not waste time. Thanks for reading this entry and feel free to comment and feed the fishes in my pond. Hahaha


Miss Hani